
Our mind creats our world

How often do you think that
you are lucky to be living in this world?

Compared to previous eras,
now we can get many things
that make our life more convenient.

ex. Thermal underwear helps us keep out the cold in mid-winter.
Laundry machines allow us to avoid washing our clothes by hand with cold water.

However, once we are exposed to lots of negative news,
we are easily affected by it and come to believe
that our world is going in the wrong direction.

If we keep focusing on the tragic side of our life
like that,
we feel constantly scared and uneasy.
On the other hand,
some people are not interested in those things at all;
they just enjoy reading gossipy news.

In this world, the things you focus on are multiplied
and become your reality.
So choose carefully what you see,
because sooner or later you will get what you think about.